localiзe your brand for Яussia
Hi, I'm Ilia Baranov, brand name consultant in Moscow, Russia. Here are my papers about commercial names and naming, onomastics and brand localization. Please do not hesitate to ask me about brand naming in Russia: need@brnd.name.
(eng) Drug name as business tool // presentation at Name in the Economy VI conference (NITE6), Uppsala, Sweden, June 3-6, 2019.
Trade names of 244 allergological medications used in Russia (1995–2015) are considered. The relationships between the linguistic properties of the name and the drug lifetime in a reputable pharmaceutical directory are investigated. The correlations found are discussed in terms of brand functions. Find the link to the research dataset (Name / INN / Manufacturer / Years of existence in the directory) in the body of the presentation.
(eng) Who wants to live forever: Survival analysis in names research // theses at XXVI International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS). Debrecen, August 2017.
Correlations of linguistic name attributes and restaurant lifetime in modern Russia for 15 years. Find notes at upper left corner of pages. (presentation online). Full version: Baranov, Ilia (2018). Who wants to live forever: Survival analysis in names research. In: Onomastica Uralica, 10, 111-136. (online or pdf)
(eng) Bank Name and Success: statistical approach // theses at Name in the Economy V, Verona, Italy, June 2015.
Correlations of name attributes and bank lifetime and assets in modern Russia for 25 and 9 years, respectively. (online)
(rus) Store Success and its Name: Survival Analysis // Marketing i marketingovye issledovaniya, 2011 #2 (92)
The better apparel store name, the longer its life, ~1,100 Moscow apparel store names for 14 years. (pdf)
(rus) Foreign Words in Service Names // Brand Management, 2008 #5-6
Features of beauty shop names in Moscow, St.Petersburg, London, Milan, New York.
(rus) Filtering Process in Brand Name Creation // Brand Management, 2009 #2
Modelling example: how to spell the THE in Russian? (pdf)
(rus) Expensive Name // FoodService, 2009 #7
Fine dining names in post-crisis Moscow. (pdf)
(rus) Restaurant Names: Kiev, Moscow, London// Forbes Ukraine, 2012, not published.
Trends in fine dining names. (pdf)
(rus) Brand Naming: another attempt // Brand Management, 2013 #1
Book Review: Elistratov VS, Pimenov PA. Brand Names: the Art of Naming. (pdf)
The strange way the well-known brand localized its product names in Russia.
(rus) 吉百利, or It's Greek to Мe
Why it is important to localize foreign brand names in Russia?
Inspiration sources for brand name creators.
(rus) Russian Women's Names as Service Names // Onomastika Povolzh'ya, issue XII. Kazan', 2010.
Owners name their small companies as if these were their children. Also they prefer meaningful, sacred and exotic
names. (pdf)
(rus) Lada Women's Name in 60s through Social Networks Survey // Slovo i tekst v kul'turnom soznanii epohi, issue 8. Vologda, 2011.
The frequency boost of the name Lada in 1968 was preceded by frequency smooth growth for about 4 years. Therefore, common noun 'lada' from 1968 hit song was recognised as proper name. However, what's the reason of
that foregoing frequency growth? (pdf)
(rus) Stress the logo
Is the stress sign in logotypes so necessary?
Household chemicals naming policy in Aqualon company.
(rus) Where to Find New Brand Name // Marketolog, 2009 #4-5.
A little-known way to produce new words. (pdf)
(rus) Social Networks as Contemporary Anthroponymics Sources // Slovo i tekst v kul'turnom soznanii epohi, issue 4. Vologda, 2010. (pdf)
(rus) Federal Herbaldry
Strange logos of Russian state ministries.
Here is a 2,500+ scientific bibliography on commercial names in English.
(rus) The Role of commercial name in online retail // Onomasica Povolzhya XIX. Orenburg, November 2021.
It is possible to assess the contribution of a name to a brand performance by analyzing the lifespan of brands in certain product category. This article examines the relationship between the linguistic properties of the toothpaste names and their survival rates in a large Russian online store. The results are discussed in terms of the brand functions.